Get to know your business's AI potential

Discover where you stand in sustainable AI incorporation and chart your path to success. Carefully take this assessment to get a detailed report, insights, and action items.

AI Readiness Assessment Overview
Key Benefits

  • Gain detailed insights into your AI readiness
  • Receive actionable recommendations for sustainable growth
  • Benchmark your progress against industry standards
  • Identify opportunities for AI-driven innovation
How It Works

  • Step #1 Complete our comprehensive 120-question assessment.
  • Step #2 Receive a personalized report with detailed analysis.
  • Step #3 Get actionable insights and recommendations.
  • Step #4 Implement strategies for sustainable AI incorporation.
AI Onboard Score

  • Are you leveraging AI to its full potential in your business?
  • Do you know how your AI readiness compares to industry leaders?
  • Are you aware of the sustainability impacts of your AI initiatives?
  • Is your team equipped to handle the challenges of AI implementation?
Assessment Overview

Our comprehensive AI Readiness Assessment covers 120 questions across key areas:


AI Strategy and Governance

  • Alignment with business goals
  • Ethical considerations
  • Risk management

Data Infrastructure and Management

  • Alignment with business goals
  • Ethical considerations
  • Risk management

AI Capabilities and Expertise

  • Current AI applications
  • In-house AI skills
  • Training and development programs

Sustainability Integration

  • Environmental impact awareness
  • Energy efficiency measures
  • Sustainable AI practices

Technology Infrastructure

  • Hardware readiness
  • Cloud capabilities
  • Integration with existing systems

AI Ethics and Responsible Use

  • Bias detection and mitigation
  • Transparency and explainability
  • Compliance with regulations